Keeping an eye on what’s important is what we are all about. We are excited to work with you to provide you with a Land Watch solution for your property.
As with any product, there are several specifics that we will outline in this contract to ensure that we are all on the same page. Payment of the specified deposit serves as full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Once payment is received, your booking is locked into our calendar and we will begin planning for and executing your project.
Land Watch Australia will provide all of the services specific to the Client’s quote for their property with the utmost care and attention, and will work and negotiate with the client if any adjustments are to be made.
Land Watch Australia and their staff will treat the Client and their property with respect at all times. Land Watch Australia will meet all expectations agreed to in the quoted scope of works.
The Client is responsible for the respectful treatment of all Land Watch Australia staff at all times, either whilst on the property or on the phone, including by any staff of the client. The client agrees to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions within this document. The client confirms that they will make themselves available for handover in person, unless other arrangements have been agreed to by Land Watch Australia prior to install.
The Client is responsible for the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the property details and information relating to the install. Clients are responsible for providing such information in a timely manner so that we may provide our services to you in a timely manner. Any advice given to the Client is only an opinion which is based on our knowledge of the Client’s particular circumstances, and is informed by the information and particulars provided to us by the Client.
Outlined in the below Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply.
“Client” or “you” or “your representative” means the entity or individual acquiring goods or services from us, Land Watch Australia.
“Completion” means Land Watch Australia has finalised the installation of all parts and equipment inline with the quoted scope of works including handover and basic training (either in person or via phone communication as agreed to by the Client prior to install).
“Acceptance” means the Client agrees to the quoted scope of works being installed by Land Watch Australia at the quoted price and on the agreed date. Payment of the 50% deposit is taken as full acceptance of the quote and Terms and Conditions outlined in this document.
“Install” or “Installation” means Land Watch Australia undertaking the quoted scope of works on the agreed upon date.
“Scope of work” means the services and equipment outlined in the quote from Land Watch Australia, or as varied in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Unless otherwise agreed, a non-refundable 50% deposit must be paid to confirm your booking and in order for work to commence. Payment of the 50% deposit is taken as full acceptance of the quote and Terms and Conditions outlined in this document. The deposit is deducted from the total price of the quote with balance payable upon completion of the install. Payment is to be made via bank transfer or via credit card over the phone (1.9% fee applies). Direct deposit details are:
NAME: Land Watch Australia
BSB: 014 616
ACC: 429 839 802
REFERENCE: Invoice Number & Surname
An initial non-refundable deposit of 50% is required upon acceptance of the quote and proposal. The final balance must be paid in full upon completion of the project. If payment has not been made and an alternative payment date or structure has not been agreed upon, all cameras will be taken offline and the contract can be closed at the discretion of Land Watch Australia. Any extra costs incurred due to the late payment (including debt collector and legal fees) will be passed on to the client.
Clients understand that bookings made over 6 months in advance may be subject to price changes due to changes or demands in the industry. Land Watch Australia will notify the client of any price changes that will affect their booking.
At the time of the initial deposit, adjustments can still be made to the invoice if there is adequate time before the date of install. Please contact us directly, as soon as possible, if you are wanting to make changes so we can confirm if there is enough time and available materials. Any changes to the install requirements may result in an adjustment of pricing. The client guarantees minimum payment of 85% of the original quote if changes are made less than 6 weeks prior to install.
Quotes are valid for 30 days after being sent, following this time, if contact or a booking is not made, price changes may occur due to changing special offers, or changes from suppliers, or within the industry. If changes are to be made at the time of install, changes can be made by our technicians if there is adequate time during the install. All changes must be signed off by both Land Watch Australia and the client prior to installation.
If a project is paid for in full and then canceled less than 90 days prior to the install date, a refund will be made of up to 50% of the total quoted scope of works.
Land Watch Australia reserves the right to keep a copy of all camera credentials for servicing purposes. If the client objects to having their camera access kept on our files, they must inform Land Watch Australia formally in writing. Land Watch Australia reserves the right to access cameras sporadically for the purposes of checking their working capacity as part of our support guarantee. If access is removed, our support guarantee will also be canceled.
3G and 4G units with a sim card are billed starting at the day of the install or the day of postage. Billing is conducted monthly in advance via direct debit. The SIM cards are activated on the day of install or postage, and as such billing will be done regardless of use or set up of the system by the client. Should the SIM card provider increase pricing to your product during the term of your engagement, you agree to and authorize LWA to increase your recurring installment to reflect the increase in SIM card price.
Land Watch Australia accepts no responsibility for damage made to systems from weather events (wind, fire, flood, storms etc.), vandalism, accidents or misuse. Cost to repair damage systems as a result of the above events, will be the responsibility of the client.
In the event of fire, natural disaster, flood, COVID outbreak, lockdown, or other emergency, Land Watch Australia will cancel the installation appointment at their own discretion for the safety of our staff and equipment. These events are out of the business’ control and Land Watch Australia will endeavor to do their best to arrange another close and suitable installation date.
Land Watch Australia reserves the right to take photos and videos of cameras and systems being built for any property and can use images taken during the installation. Land Watch Australia reserves the right to share images – that at times may include faces – on social media platforms for marketing purposes. If the client objects to having photos or videos published of themselves or their property, they must inform Land Watch Australia formally in writing prior to the install. Land Watch Australia takes discretion regarding property names and locations at all times.
We may involve third party contractors or outsourced service providers in providing various aspects for the completion of the quoted scope of works. Acceptance of our services in conjunction with this engagement document indicated your acceptance of the use of outsourced services as described above.
Land Watch Australia offers lifetime technical support. This includes:
– Setup and configuration on clients devices at completion of install with basic training. Detailed user guide provided and instructional video link.
– Help desk email available, post install, for all non-urgent queries or concerns regarding the system.
– Tech support help line for urgent issues and a site visit if required (see below for conditions)
Standard warranty for equipment is 3 years unless otherwise advised. Within this time if a part is found to be faulty, after a technician consultation, a replacement part will be provided at the expense of Land Watch Australia.
Outside of the warranty period, technical support remains open and any replacement parts are available, however, a cost may apply for new components.
If a problem persists and is not diagnosable over the phone, a technician site visit is available. Should this be within the warranty period, and the equipment/installation found to be at fault, then no payment will be required. If a site visit is needed outside of the warranty period or the problem is found to be a third party/non-related issue (either at a site visit or remotely), travel charges and technician fees may apply.