Cattle Duffing On The Rise in CQLD

Here at Land Watch, we’ve been recently hearing about the rise in cattle and stock theft, particularly in the Central QLD area. In a recent article by Queensland Country Life we read the following:

“Rural and Stock Crime Squad officers are reminding producers to remain vigilant against livestock theft after growing reports of cattle duffing in central and North Queensland. Biloela graziers John and Margaret Warner run a cattle property just outside of town.

In November 2022, they reported three of their heifers stolen from their property by what they described as "well equipped thieves". One stolen heifer in particular, Mr Warner remembers it being down with three day sickness when he last saw her, before realising she had vanished. "When I arrived at where she had been laying, you could only see scuff (drag) marks beside where she had been lying," Mr Warner said.

"A white landcruiser and stock trailer were observed in the area." From the evidence he has gathered, Mr Warner believes the perpetrators have a good knowledge of the farms and areas they choose to target.

"These perpetrators have studied the work routine of targeted properties, know how to handle sick stock and subdue active animals," he said. "No one, so far has told me about recovering their stolen stock or any successful prosecutions."

The Warners reported the theft to the Biloela Police and have shifted their cattle closer to home.

Senior Sergeant Elliot [from the QLD Rural Stock Squad] said without adequate information that police require, it can be very hard to track down and ultimately return property to it's rightful owners. "If your management practices aren't up to scratch and you can't advise investigators how many animals that you have, it makes it very hard for us to investigate it.” “

Installing a Land Watch system on the entries and exits of your property could play a major role in ensuring your property is not the next target for thieves, whether it's opportunistic or an organised collection of individuals. Contact us today if you would like more information about our systems.