Reasons For Farm Monitoring

Farm monitoring is fast becoming the most useful resource available to the rural industry, allowing greater time management, property safety and overall peace of mind to the farmer. Here we will unpack the most popular reasons farmers are using monitoring on their properties. These are certainly not the only reasons but are the most common. Over countless cups of tea on front verandahs and time spent leaning against ute trays having a yarn, we have been able to understand the key benefits of farm monitoring for a range of properties and purposes.

01 - Stock Management

Improving and managing the welfare of their stock, is the number one reason farmers are using monitoring systems on their properties. With their livelihood and reputation on the line as a primary producer, it is within a farm owners best interest to be monitoring their stock effectively.

With the ever-changing demographic of farming in today's day and age, farm monitoring for stock welfare is becoming increasingly important with multi-property farming operations, often with large distances between. We have also noted a rise in the number of property owners that do not live on the property. Travelling to the property every day or even every second day is not always possible and can be a costly exercise.

The 3 most important things we hear regarding monitoring for stock welfare are:
Checking on the water troughs, feed levels and mineral licks
Checking on stock condition and location in the paddock
Monitoring stock whilst in the yards

Consistent monitoring of the stock by cameras located in key points has been seen to be an asset for farmers. Of course, even the most comprehensive monitoring system cannot replace a run around the property but hopefully we can help continue the already high level of attention and care your stock receive.

02 - Property Security

It is unfortunate that property security is one of the most prevalent reasons farmers are using monitoring systems. Where we were once able to leave the doors and gates unlocked, that is no longer a habit we can afford to keep. Increasingly, the rural community is utilising property monitoring in the form of security cameras to reduce the occurrence of theft and illegal entry and especially of late, monitoring the presence of protestors.

The most common areas monitored are:
1. Sheds – including the machinery shed and equipment, as well as the diesel tank.
2. House –including vehicles and pets/working dogs
3. Yards & silos – particularly when positioned close to the road.
4. Entry and exit points – covering the main roads and tracks for stock theft and poaching.

Many people make the mistake of hiding a camera, thinking that they can catch the crook in the act. Our experience has found that a more beneficial approach is to keep them out altogether. This is achieved with prominent and proud placement of the monitoring system as well as clear large signage on every entry stating that security cameras are used across the entire property.

03 - Water Management

This is a hot and dry country we live and work in and our number one resource to manage is ‘Water’. Without water, stock and crops won’t survive and often we come across farmers wanting property monitoring solutions to manage their water.

Issues such as water leaks, overflowing tanks or out of the ordinary water usage can be monitored and detected allowing for quicker diagnosis which leads to quicker repairs. No one wants to see water wasted and it breaks our heart to hear some of the stories of issues with tanks or bores that could have been so easily avoided with a suitable monitoring solution.

We have found that just a quick check of key water assets can provide the necessary information into water levels, trough condition and if pumps, bores or windmills are working correctly.

As an extension of monitoring water across the property our farmers have also utilised their monitoring systems to keep an eye on the weather at different points of their property, some of which are as large as small European countries, or from different properties they run.

04 - Time & Cost Saving

According to the farmers we speak with day-to-day, ‘the greater the level of monitoring implemented across the property, the greater the saving’. It is as simple as that. When a farmer can check in on a remote part of the property from the office or wherever they may be, rather than driving to the location, it results in a time saving, and as the adage goes - ‘time is money’.

The top 3 savings farmers are discovering from monitoring are:

1. Labour – more often than not, this is the big one. When you do the water run in 10 mins with your morning coffee rather than half a day of driving for the station hand, it can lead to a big saving. There are also the added benefits of being able to locate the stock or even narrow down the location of a water issue.

2. Theft – having protected entries and obvious surveillance across the property, means you are less likely to be a victim, resulting in less loss or damage. Unfortunately, this may mean that they go to your neighbours property next door, if this happens, be sure to pass on our business card.

3. Insurance – with less theft and illegal entry comes happier insurance companies. Not to mention if an incident does occur, be it theft, vandalism or a work place accident, having the necessary footage on hand will be very favourable in your claim or case.

Working “smarter, not harder”, is a popular saying and property monitoring is a step in the right direction.

05 - Family Benefits

This is our favourite reason for the benefits of farm monitoring and to be honest it is the main reason that we do what we do. Whilst it isn't often the initial reason to implement property monitoring, it is by far the greatest outcome and usually becomes the main reason for additional monitoring solutions.

Well executed property monitoring can be the catalyst for a greater level of free time.

Really it is up to you what you do with the hour a day you save not driving out to check the troughs or dam levels – maybe it means time to go for a ride with the kids. Or instead of having to drive to the other property to check something on a Saturday, you can make it to that soccer game.

Maybe its just the peace of mind that comes from knowing the place is secure and that you can check the vitals from anywhere, but if it means you can head off for the weekend, why not?

Your reasons for monitoring the many various facets of your property may be broad and everchanging, but we sincerely hope that the greatest benefit is your family time.

Farm MonitoringJane Hill